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Let’s unite our communities to honor our past, grieve our tragedy, and build an inclusive future

The 96094 Collaborative

Lincoln Heights

Formerly known as the Quarters, it is made up of predominantly Black residents, located in the City of Weed, California. For decades, the mill next to Lincoln Heights offered opportunity and hope for those seeking a job and a better life.


Includes multiple ranches and homes along Hoy Rd leading north to Lake Shastina from Lincoln Heights in Weed, California. Farming has been a part of this area for at least five generations, including large herds of cattle and roaming peacocks. 

Lake Shastina

Lake Shastina is a thriving community located 9 miles north of the City of Weed, CA. Lake Shastina provides a heavenly place to hike, camp, fish and golf while also offering a place for peaceful reflection.

How you can help —

Consider volunteering or donating today.